How Many Years Of Experience Does A Personal Injury Or Auto Attorney Need?

When you're looking for a personal injury or auto accident attorney, one of the first things you're going to want to know is how much experience does he or she have.  When it comes to negotiating contracts, there's no replacement for experience, but it's hard to say exactly how many years of experience your lawyer should have because there are many other factors to consider.  Don't make the mistake of choosing a lawyer just because he or she has been in practice for a long time.

Tips For Your Workers' Compensation Case

In order to take advantage of your workers compensation injuries, you'll want to learn the ins and outs of these cases, research the different lawyers in the area and make the most out of your rehabilitation. When taking these matters into account, you'll be able to deal with these matters as they come along. These cases account for $140 million in insurance payouts each year, so taking the time to handle it accordingly and increase communication between your employer and the law firm you decide to hire.

On the Other Side of a Car Accident: What Happens When You Cause Personal Injury

When you hear about car accidents, a lot of the focus and news media is on the victims. The person who caused the accident is glazed over in a single comment. Not surprisingly, you do not hear about personal injury cases from the viewpoint of the person who caused the accident. If you have recently caused a car accident and personal injury to another, here is what happens with your side of the case.

4 Tips For Having Success With A Disability Claim

If you're disabled and unable to work, you may need to file a claim for disability. This can allow you to receive compensation on a monthly basis if you qualify for it. There are certain things you should do that may enable you to have greater success when it comes to this filing for this status. Being aware of tips that can help you do so are sure to be something you need to know:

Questions An Auto Accident Attorney May Ask You During A Consultation And Why They Ask

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, you may be looking to file a personal injury lawsuit. This is one of the best ways to recover money for your medical expenses and the money you lost due to your inability to work. Hiring an auto accident attorney can be beneficial in this situation. The attorney will be able to file the paperwork for you, obtain evidence, and help guide you toward getting the medical documentation you need to substantiate your claims.